AiCARR’S main aims are:

The production and dissemination of the culture of sustainable comfort.

The training and professional development of employees in the field with a view to enhancing their professional qualification

The contribution towards and development of legislation in place for the sector

The cooperation with other organisations and governing bodies, both Italian and European, as an authoritative intermediary.


EN: The Electricity revolution. Evolutions in the production, distribution and the market of electric power in Italy. 
IT: La rivoluzione elettrica 


Once upon a time there was ENEL…what? Isn’t it still present? Yes it is present, therefore it is something  completely different from the Institution set up by 1962 energy nationalization law.
Several Law Decrees released and compliant to a European Directive established that the production, as distribution and sale, should be opened in terms of competition among different operators, while transmission instead is in charge of the well-known National Transmission Network Authority.

Everyone is to be considered as an electric power “user”, therefore everyone is involved in this authentic revolution.
A specific involvement in this event is that of the Energy Manager who need to grant an adequate energy supply in each company, as well as the system designer that needs to consider all elements of power refurbishing, costs, benefits and side options within the performed comparative evaluations.

This book aims to provide the reader with elements and enables him to act in the new scenario, to consider opportunities and gaps. The content can be considered a value added service to those who relate with electric power.

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