
Convegni nazionali e internazionali, seminari, workshop e tavole rotonde sono importanti momenti di confronto sui temi di maggiore attualità individuati dalle Commissioni AiCARR e contano sulla partecipazione di illustri relatori e delle più conosciute Associazioni italiane ed estere.

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 I convegni AiCARR sono sostenuti dai Soci della CONSULTA INDUSTRIALE

Mostra Convegno Expocomfort - Fiera Milano Rho, RHO MI
Centro Congressi Stella Polare - Sala Aquarius - h. 14.30-17.30


Download the final programme

There are plenty of opportunities to save energy in data centers. Data centers are using an increasing amount of the total energy used by commercial facilities. However, these increases have a downside in that they have caused a significant increase in the power required and the heat dissipated by the computing equipment such that it is becoming very difficult to power and cool these systems in data centers or telecommunications rooms. This Seminar examines the best practices for data center energy efficiency by focusing on thermal guidelines for data processing, datacom facility energy efficiency and actual high density data centers in operation today. You will gain an understanding of equipment environment specifications while learning methods for measuring performance and developing means to evaluate effectiveness of data center cooling.

Key Topics: The seminar will cover the following areas:

1. IT efficiency opportunities and interaction with building systems,

2. Cooling services/systems,

3. Cooling equipment,

4. Electrical services/systems, and

5. Master planning.

The new ASHRAE environmental guidelines for IT equipment will be carefully described, including how they should be applied in operating data centers. The basics of IT equipment and those features that will provide energy savings, like virtualization/consolidation and server hardware energy policies will be highlighted. The application of air and liquid-cooled servers within data centers will be described along with how the environment could be designed for optimum efficiency. The challenges in obtaining an optimum airflow distribution within a data center will be discussed for various infrastructure ventilation solutions. The major components that support the cooling infrastructure in data centers will be described.
Similar to the cooling infrastructure and their components, the power distribution and components that support the IT equipment will be described with an emphasis on achieving greater energy efficiency.
The planning process for maintaining flexibility in the data center with the ever-changing IT equipment and their generation to generation technologies will be covered with a focus on maintaining high reliability and energy efficient data center operations.


Dr. Roger R. Schmidt, IBM Fellow, US National Academy of Engineering Member, IBM
Academy of Technology Member and ASME Fellow, has over 30 years of experience in engineering and engineering management in the thermal design of IBM’s large scale computers. He has led development teams in cooling mainframes, client/servers, parallel processors and test equipment refrigerants. He has published more than 100 patents pending in the area of electronic cooling.  He has been an associate editor of the Journal of Electronic Packaging and an Associate Editor of the ASHRAE Research Journal. He is now an associate editor of the ASME Journal of Heat Transfer. He has taught extensively over the past 25 years in Mechanical Engineering courses for prospective professional engineers and has given seminars on electronic cooling at a number of universities.  He is a past chair of the ASHRAE Technical Committee 9.9, committee on Mission Critical Facilities, Technology Spaces and Electronic Equipment.

Don Beaty, ASHRAE Fellow, has over 30 years experience in consulting engineering and founded DLB Associates Consulting Engineers in 1980. He is a licensed professional engineer in over 40 states (including New York) and has international licenses as well. He has served on ANSI/ASHRAE Standards Committee 90.1 (energy) including as vice chair, ASHRAE Standards Committee 127, Method for Testing for Rating Computer and Data Processing Room Unitary Air-Conditioners) as secretary, and ASHRAE TC 7.6, Systems Energy Utilization. Beaty has published more than 50 papers, contributed to five published books, including four ASHRAE books, contributed to the ASHRAE Handbook, and has spoken in more than 50 conferences across the world.  His firm has provided services for mission critical facilities throughout the world including those for Google.  DLB’s data centers have been some of the largest and most efficient in the world including using economizers, once through water cooling (Bay of Finland), compressorless data centers, effluent reuse for cooling tower makeup, storm water makeup water


Sala Aquarius - 28 marzo 2012 - h. 14.30-17.30





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