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International Seminar 2017 - Naples October 25th 2017, 9.30 a.m.

University of Naples Federico II, Department of Engineering, Room Scipione Bobbio - first floor—Piazzale Tecchio, 80

 To register click here

In the last few years, the design of new buildings and the retrofit of existing ones is increasingly geared towards achieving energy efficiency and high indoor environmental quality, also known as IEQ, which takes into account issues related to indoor air quality, thermal, visual and acoustic comfort.

Indeed, it is now universally recognized that poor indoor environmental quality not only affects people's health, but also causes non-physical harm: thinking about loss of concentration in noisy environments or the effects on productivity and performance due to poor air quality.

Unfortunately, in order to achieve high IEQ conditions higher energy consumption can be necessary, for artificial lighting, ventilation and air conditioning. A conscious and careful design has thus to be provided, aimed at fulfilling both comfort and energy saving issues.

The discussion assumes particular emphasis when related to school buildings, in which the environmental quality of children and teenagers, who spend here most of their time, have to be guaranteed.

In addition, school buildings should constitute a virtuous example where young people can learn and directly experience energy-environmental issues. In this context, they should be designed or retrofitted as nZEB. The aim of this Seminar is to compare European and US approach as far as the design of nZEB school buildings is concerned; to present the IEQ requirements in legislation and current standards and the methodology to assess and check their compliance; to provide designers with a complete description of techniques and technologies currently available.

Official language of Seminar is English

 To register click here

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