Attività Normativa

L’attività normativa di AiCARR comprende l'attivazione di Commissioni e di Comitati Tecnici (composti da soci AiCARR), che collaborano con gli Enti nazionali ed europei per lo sviluppo di linee guida, norme e leggi di settore.

In questa sezione puoi trovare:

Sezione legislativa, elenco completo di leggi e regolamenti inerenti all'efficienza e la certificazione energetica a livello Comunitario, Nazionale e Regionale.

Sezione normativa, elenco completo e aggiornato sulla normativa tecnica nazionale e internazionale (UNI, EN, ISO e ASHRAE) suddivisa in aree tematiche.

Commissioni e Comitati Tecnici di AiCARR.

Bandi e Finanziamenti a livello Nazionale, Comunale e Regionale.

Focus, elenco di approfondimenti su importanti tematiche normative.

Consultazioni e Inchiesta Pubblica, elenchi di documenti ufficiali inviati da AiCARR e inchieste pubbliche.



The documents present on this page and published until 21st April and are to be understood as documents related to the emergency COVID-19.
They have been drawn up according to the state of the technical-scientific knowledge available and published until then.


Remarks on the air recirculation in HVAC systems during
the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak: the case of all-air ducted plants

(Emergency Phase)

Please note that this page is constantly updated according to the transposition of new medical/ scientific studies.

In response to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19 ), not only for the emergency but especially to allow the reopening of productive activities with the necessary security. AiCARR has set up a working group of experts to draft guidance documents on how to operate and use air conditioning systems to prevent and limit the risk of spreading SARS-Cov2-19.
The documents are base on the latest scientific evidence and best practices available today for the reduction of the risk of propagation by area (aerosol) of SARS-Cov2-19 through the correct use of environmental air conditioning and ventilation systems. 
Due to the ongoing evolution of information available on the characteristics of the pandemic, the documents present here will be subject to updates and additions.
Aicarr thanks the participants in the working group for their contribution to the dissemination of information useful to the safety of all of us.

AiCARR President2017 - 2020
F.R. d’Ambrosio


Protocol for risk reduction of SARS-CoV2-19 diffusion in healthcare facilities with the aid of air conditioning and ventilation systems.
AiCARR Position Paper on HVAC systems operation during SARS-CoV2-19 emergency.
Protocol for risk reduction of SARS-CoV2-19 diffusion with the aid of existing air conditioning and ventilation systems.


Giorgio Bo
Matteo Bo
Luigi Cinquanta
Francesca Romana d'Ambrosio;
Luigi Gazzi
Livio Mazzarella
Federico Pedranzini
Luca Alberto Piterà
Valentina Serra
Mauro Strada
Cesare Taddia
Michele Vio



In this section you can find all the references used in AiCARR documents:

WHO, 2020, “Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19”, World Health Organization.
WHO, 2020, “Water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for COVID-19. Technical Brief 3 March 2010”, World Health Organization.
CDC, 2019, “Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities”, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Atlanta, GA 30329.
M.Vio, 2020, "Gli impianti di climatizzazione e il rischio di contagio", AiCARR Journal n.61.


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